Sunday, December 9, 2007

True Fire

Alright. During this blog ask yourself these questions.
Don't be afraid to talk to the screen.
You gotta interact with this.

Have you ever heard the phrase "on fire for God"
Go ahead be honest... answer... alright well if you haven't I'll describe it as this. Someone who is burning with passion and desire to serve God, and the fruits of the spirit are abundantly overflowing in their lives.

Sounds pretty awesome right?

[did you answer?? way to catch on ;) ]

As a Christ follower we should want to have this fire for God in our lives. Maybe you've had this fire before but after awhile it dies down.

Alright for all you smart people out there,
How do you keep a fire from going out???
by feeding it.

In the same way we have to continueously feed are spiritual fire, How often do you have to feed a real fire to keep in burning?? Feed your spirit with just as much fuel. Now where do get the fuel to feed this spiritual fire? (I'll give you a second to answer) We get it from spending time with God. In His word and in prayer. So what happens if you don't feed a fire?

It goes out.

plain and simple.
That is why it is so vital for us as Christians to constantly be feeding our spiritual
fire. It is the only way we can keeps from becoming ineffective in Christ. Do you want to become ineffective? When you wake up in the morning and decide your too tired to spend time with God you aren't feeding that fire, therefore you become ineffective. So feed your fire.

We alone can do nothing. So rejoice in the hope God has given you. For he has given you the Holy Spirit so you may serve as witnesses. Wake up everyday, ready and prepared to burn with passion becuase God sent his Son to die for you. All because God loves you so much He wants to spend eternity with you. You have to be dedicated to keep the light glowing in your life, dedicated to feeding your fire
. If not, you could find yourself in darkness.

Where to start?
Lots of places.


Friday, December 7, 2007

Look Deeper

I'll keep this really short...

Everyone has times where they get what I like to call "The grass is greener on the other side syndrome" I sometimes find myself looking at someones life and saying to myself if only my life was a perfect as thiers.

Then I am reminded that the deeper you look in a person the more you understand everyone deals with their own problems and stuggles. Some try to hide things, others just express in a different way. I'm encouraging myself and others to look deeper in the lifes of the people around you. Build Up, this Christmas season.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

God's Country

Today as we were in the cafeteria we [being a handful of freshman and sophomores] glanced up at CNN, to read that once again somebody wants to take God out of the pledge of allegiance. Also they want to remove "In God we Trust" from our currency. After some conversation at our lunch table we came to a consensus that even if they decided to take it out we will be screaming "one nation UNDER GOD" everyday when we say the pledge of allegiance. Because really if we aren't under God's authority. We might as well give up, its not like we can save ourselves... Honestly though what else would you say... "one nation, under the sky??" Every nation is under a sky. God is what makes our country so blessed, He is the reason were still standing. You can't take God out of a country, when our country was founded upon His laws. I don't know about you, but I'm sick of living in a politically correct world. [Rob explains well] God belongs in this country. I'm not letting ANYONE take Him out of it. Good day, and remember "In God We Trust." ;)

Sunday, December 2, 2007

How He Loves Us....

Do we realize how vast God's love for us is? How truely astounding his creation can be. A sunrise over the ocean. How beautiful it is... Look at the stars in the night. They are breathtaking. The way even the simplest things for creation show God's love. The grains of sand on the beach, the amount could never equal God's love for us. The way God can just swoop us up into His arms when we are hurting. The way God is all powerful and never leaves us. The way God thought of us even before we were born into this world. How He has a specific plan for each of His wonderful creations. Read here about the way he never leaves us.

How great is our God.
How wonderful is His love.
How perfect is He.

I'm rejoicing in His love, for the rest of my life.