Saturday, January 12, 2008

Presence of What?

What does it really mean to be in the presence of God? How do you explain a presence? Is it a feeling you come across? Well, first let's look at the meaning of the word presence.

Websters defines the word presence as:
"1: the fact or condition of being
2 a: the part of space within one's immediate vicinity b: the neighborhood of one of superior especially royal rank
3 archaic :
company 4: one that is present: as a: the actual person or thing that is present b: something present of a visible or concrete nature
5 a: the bearing, carriage, or air of a person; especially : stately or distinguished bearing b: a noteworthy quality of poise and effectiveness
6: something (as a spirit) felt or believed to be

Can we not conclude that the times where we believe to have felt God's presence are times where we are reminded that God truely is with us. Even the times where we don't feel God, He has promised that he is always with us. Just another way to know that the almighty God who rules over heaven and earth has time for us. Anytime, all the time.

If God is spending time with us and gracing us with His presence. Maybe it truely is getting out of bed at least 5 mintues earlier to spend time with Him and to seek his presense, that we should be focused on.

Something to work on and something to think about.

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